Faith Life at Kolbe Immaculata School
Catholic Formation at its finest
Kolbe Immaculata School is a non-diocesan, non-profit private school teaching the Catholic Faith from first through eighth grades, ministered and staffed primarily by Catholic laymen, incorporated under the laws of the state of New Jersey.
Kolbe operates with the blessing of Bishop Sweeney, yet we are independent of the Diocese of Paterson. The school is not an agency of and is not connected to or affiliated with the Diocese of Paterson. It is open to all Catholic students of any race, color, nationality or ethnic origin.
We are blessed to be led and served by priests of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), and are therefore privileged to be able to participate in Holy Mass daily. We are a school immersed
in prayer.
In addition to daily Mass, we pray the rosary together as a school and pray the Angelus daily. Students are offered the opportunity for Confession every week. On First Fridays we also participate in Benediction. During Lent we are led through the Stations of the Cross every Friday afternoon. Interested young men are also trained to serve the Latin Mass.
Our priests teach religion for the first and second grades as well as grades five through eight, and Latin for seventh and eighth graders. They also run our Friday gym classes. They are a regular, joyful presence in the school.
As we are an independent school within the Diocese of Paterson, we are not required to, nor do we, conform to certain Diocesan curriculum guidelines, including any Common Core requirements.
Kolbe Immaculata School is committed
to its preparation of students as young men and women destined
to evangelize by word and deed; Catholics zealous in the defense of the Catholic faith;
“… that you may be blameless and innocent children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” (Phil ii.15)
We direct all our actions to the honor and glory of God as we seek to preserve the Apostolic Traditions of the Catholic Faith in loyalty to the Holy See. We teach with confidence that the one, holy Catholic, Apostolic Church provides a complete and perfect treasury of truth.
In keeping with the following statement
of Pope Pius XI:
“… It is clear that there can be no true education which is not wholly directed to man’s last end… since God has revealed Himself to us in the Person of His only Begotten Son: Who alone is the ‘Way, the Truth and the Life’ there can be no ideally perfect education which is not Catholic Doctrine.”
We petition to do the will of God trusting in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Our apostolate is to pass on the faith as cooperators with God’s will for us. The school is committed to prepare students as young men and women with an eagerness to bring all to God by word and deed – young Catholics zealous in the defense of Catholicism as lights shining out into the world.
Our mission is that
of the Church:
the salvation of souls.
Our means is through excellence in education. We are dedicated to teaching children the faith and awakening in our students a yearning to know, love and
serve God. We teach our students to pray,
to think, and to act,
by regular prayer,
by participating in
the Sacraments and obedience to the Commandments of
God and His Church.

We serve in this apostolate to pass on the faith
in response to God’s call.