About Us
Authentic, Affordable
Catholic Education
Kolbe Immaculata School is a non-diocesan, non-profit private school teaching the Catholic Faith from first grade through eighth grade.
Our school mission is to develop our students into mature Catholic ladies and gentlemen leading Christian lives based on a solid teaching of the Faith, the virtues and academics.
Discipline and religious education are an essential part of the daily teaching, through daily Mass, weekly Confession and daily religious instruction.
Kolbe Immaculata School is ministered and staffed by Catholic laymen and by the priests of Our Lady of Fatima Chapel.
“It is necessary not
only that religious instruction be given
to the young…
but also that every subject be permeated with Christian piety.
If this is wanting,
if this sacred atmosphere does not pervade and warm
the hearts of masters and scholars alike,
little good can be expected from any
kind of learning..”
- Leo XIII
Imilitantes Ecclesiae